Taking Care of Bitcoin
New to Bitcoin? Well, everyone was new to Bitcoin at some point. Taking Care of Bitcoin is the first stop on your Bitcoin journey. We talk to people from all walks of life and answer the basic questions common to every Bitcoin noob. We're trying to onboard as many freedom fighters as possible. Let's take care of it! TCB baby!
Taking Care of Bitcoin
Taking Care of Bitcoin with SAM CALLAHAN
Yes, THE Sam Callahan, Lead Analyst at Swan Bitcoin!
Today we talk with Sam about...
- Prevalence of scientific minds in Bitcoin
- Unique stability of Bitcoin as a system
- How the current economy is like a patient with a high resting heart rate
- Inevitability of increasing government spending and exponential debt growth
- Volatility vs. Risk as it relates to Bitcoin
- Scaling Bitcoin functionality in layers vs. the need for alternative coins
- Criticality of protecting the Bitcoin base layer
- Potential coming FUD attacks beyond illicit finance and energy use
- Potential effects of a spot Bitcoin ETF
- Big picture: Where is Bitcoin going?
And more!
Follow Sam Callahan on Twitter @samcallah
Listen to his Swan Signal Podcast https://swansignalpodcast.com/
Sign up for his Bitcoin Market Updates and read his blog at https://www.swanbitcoin.com/
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